
Monday, October 25, 2010

This Week I Will Be Mostly...

...wearing my favorite sweater again! I left it in Montgomery the last time I was there, so I got it back this weekend.  Ah.
...reading my school books.  I would like to read for pleasure right now, but I'm afraid that'll have to wait until Thanksgiving break.
...watching Part 2 of Nicholas Nickleby.
...listening to the soothing sounds of Heinz Kiessling's Orchestra. Another ah.
...eating better than last week. I'm still learning to balance my new schedule. for food.  There is truly nothing perishable in our house besides the houseplants right now. Not good.
...praying in gratitude for all of my blessings amidst my busy schedule. I want to focus on the roses instead of the thorns.

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